miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

MUSICA - La diversidad os hará libres: Karma en ClassicThrash

Como hicieramos anteriormente con la reseña publicada en The thrash Metal Guide, sumamos la crítica de Fear of destiny, primer y único álbum de Karma, realizada por la página ClassicThrash. Y, nobleza obliga, con más de un punto de contacto con la certera exposición que publica la mencionada Guía del Thrash.

Compartimos entonces la crítica publicada en ClassicThrash:

Karma - Fear of Destiny

Karma were a fitting addition to the South American scene, sporting almost typically heavy thrash metal with gruff vocals. Fear Of Destiny does not immediately sound like a highly inspirational piece of work - in many ways, the influence of Sepultura and the like is more than evident. But while the initial impression may appear only so-so, it sort of improves when you get further into this album. In all honesty, Karma's repertoire is really not too varied, and every so often there comes a moment when you cannot help but wish that some more versatile riffs had been utilized. There is still enough room for an occasional semi-convincing song or two, and ultimately one should not consider this a flimsy effort by any means. It's just that in a wider perspective the appeal of Fear Of Destiny is rather limited at best.

Una muestra acerca del asunto:

La canción no es "Life is wrong", como ha titulado el voluntarioso fan, sino "A long time ago".

Artículo publicado originalmente en el sitio
Classic Thrash.

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